Start of Something New

Have you ever finished a book that really overwhelmed you and inspired you to do the things that you wish you could have done before? I’m asking you this because I just finished reading Girl Online by Zoe Sugg. At first I have no idea who she was but after I saw “Zoe Sugg’s first novel” at the bottom of the page, I got curious to her identity so I turned to good ‘ol Google to find out what she looks like. To my surprise, she’s familiar to me as I was an avid youtube viewer and subscriber of some of her friends like Tanya Burr.

I was drawn to her book after reading the synopsis. It was about a girl who pretty much believed that she is a magnet to situations that would totally embarass her. She just really wanted an escape to where she can be herself where in no one would know her and no one would judge her for being her. Thus, Girl Online was born. It was her online diary but she still kept her identity anonymous. Only her best friend knows about her blogging.

I will not be doing a review here so I will stop from there. You guys just read the book. The reason that I’m telling you about the book is because it made me realize that having a blog is okay. At first it’s embarassing that I want to keep it to myself, though it still is-private and only to myself. I have always wanted a space where I can put my thoughts because It’s becoming crazy jumbled in my head that I wanted an outlet. I tried doing the traditional diary-thing but it hurts to write. I prefer to type them.

Girl Online also was giving me some inspiration on what to blog so that’s why I’m writing this. Because for me this is something worth blogging about. 
When an inspiration hits you, I think it would be best you be prepared. As I said, I just finished reading and it made me feel inspired to continue blogging so I opened it on my cellphone and just went on with it.

The essence of this post? Well I’m not really telling you anything life-changing. This is just me trying to tell you that when something inspires you, stop what you are currently doing and grab that inspo and get what you want and do what you want. Stop telling yourself “maybe later” “that may be a bad idea” or “I’m too lazy to start this new project”. Just stop. DO IT! Do start with that new project. Do try calligraphy. Do try writing. Do try Krav Maga. Do try running. JUST FREAKING DO IT! 

Sorry, I got carried away.

Did you do something you have always wanted to try out?  Do share them with me. And let me feel that I am not alone in this craziness 😘

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